Vitamin D deficiency in adults can increase the risk of many common illnesses, including multiple sclerosis, diabetes 1 and 2, and several different forms of cancer. There are many ways to naturally boost the levels of Vitamin D in your system, including plenty of exposure to natural sunlight. However, sometimes vitamin D supplementation may be required in order to keep your levels within the normal range.
Deficiency risk is not uncommon, especially for those living in areas farther away from the equator. Though it is believed that race, age and gender play a role, anyone is essentially at risk.
Although plenty of exposure to the UV rays in sunlight is one of the most natural ways to receive your daily dose of vitamin D, this is not always possible. Older generations should especially take extra precautions because of the slower absorption through their skin, and therefore a higher risk of deficiency.
One of the easiest ways to prevent deficiency is to take vitamin D supplements. These can be prescribed by a doctor, and they can also be found for a reasonable price over the counter. Depending on your age, the requirements for supplement dosage are going to be slightly different.
Infants too may benefit from vitamin D supplementation as it has been found that they do not get adequate amounts through the mother's milk. For those that are bottle fed, governments have already mandated the supplement be added to the formula to ensure that there are no deficiencies.
Older children and adolescents typically receive their recommended daily dose of this vitamin through the foods that they eat and the time that they spend in the sun. For those that do not, however, there are supplements that are designed especially for them that are age appropriate.
Regardless of your age, however, vitamin D supplementation may help minimize your future risk of diseases such as osteoporosis; breast, colon and prostate cancers. It can even help prevent or help treat diabetes in many patients. Several of the diseases that you are put at risk for deficiency of this vitamin have hereditary ties.
Although it is important to make sure that you are receiving enough vitamin D in order to lower your risks of certain illnesses, it is also important to make sure that you are not getting too much. Too much of the vitamin van cause symptoms such as anorexia and heart arrhythmia, so the dosage that you are required to take should be followed carefully. Consulting a healthcare professional is always recommended.
DHA Fish Oil: Why It Is So Important For Your Health
Virtually everybody has heard about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. What few seem to realize is that fish oils are not created equal. In this article we shall discuss the merits of the type known as DHA fish oil.
What Is DHA Fish Oil?
DHA is an acronym is docosahexaenoic acid. This is an omega-3 fatty acid. This fatty acid is found in the structural components of the brain and other tissues. While the body can synthesize it, it is in very small quantities. Much of the needed DHA must be obtained from the diet, yet most people often do not get enough.
How to Get DHA Fish Oil
Regular consumption of cold water fish – such as salmon, tuna, halibut and hoki – is the best way of getting DHA fish oil. But it is the not the most practical, not to mention that it comes with some hazards. How?
Well, unless you are fortunate to live somewhere that fresh wild-caught fish is available year-round, you won't be able to get DHA-rich fish regularly. Forget farmed fish; it is often loaded pesticides and antibiotics and doesn't even offer much benefit due to the diet it's fed.
Even when you can get wild-caught fish on a regular basis, there is the risk of ingesting mercury, lead, and PCBs that fish are now known to carry in their fat.
So what is the next best thing? It is to take a good quality DHA fish oil supplement.
You see, a good quality fish oil supplement have been put through a purification process that removes heavy metals or other toxins, while keeping the nutrients intact.
The Benefits of Fish Oil
Studies have shown that this appears to have positive impacts on a range of diseases and health disorders. The following list is just a handful of the conditions upon which DHA fish oil can have a beneficial effect.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
DHA fish oil, when consumed as a supplement, has shown the ability to improve general behavior in children who have ADHD. This disorder has a profound effect on family anxiety and the educational and career future of young people around the world.
Though research indicates that DHA actually cannot slow down the progress of Alzheimer’s, it may help if consumption or supplementation is started before the onset of this condition.
This fish oil has also had significant impact on various forms of dementia in people. This makes sense, since the substance acts as a building block on the brain and may work against the progress of forces that cause deterioration.
A study published in the November edition of Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association suggests that taking docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may improve memory and learning in older adults with mild cognitive impairments. This is promising news for many aging Americans who are searching for options to maintain memory and support overall cognitive health. ScienceDaily
Pregnant woman can benefit from additional DHA in the diet. Not only is the oil good for the mother, but it is also essential for the healthy development of the fetus. The benefits carry through birth and beyond.
Researchers found that infants born to mothers with higher blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at delivery had advanced levels of attention spans well into their second year of life. During the first six months of life, these infants were two months ahead of those babies whose mothers had lower DHA levels. WebMD
This supplement is also recommended for women who are lactating. They can pass on the benefits of the oil to their children through breast milk. Concentrations of omega-3 acids are significantly higher in the breast milk of women who receive more DHA in their diet.
As stated earlier, you have the option of getting DHA fish oil by eating fish regularly, or through supplementation. For most people, the most practical way is taking a quality fish oil pill daily.
How Much Omega-3 Per Day Should You Take?
If you have recently started taking omega-3 supplements or you are considering doing this soon, you may want to know exactly how much omega-3 per day you should take.
Before we take a look at what the optimal dosage is for fish oil and omega-3, let me tell you a bit more about why this oil is so important for your health.
Omega-3 is a long chain essential fatty acid which consists of fatty compounds known as DHA and EPA. Both of these are essential for good health. DHA is considered the more important of the two.
How much omega-3 per day that you should take is an important question as you need to ensure that you are getting enough while not taking too much of a good thing. Good quality supplements don't come cheap either, so it may be a good thing not to take in more than is necessary to benefit your health.
They are called essential fatty acids because the human body is unable to produce these on its own; you are therefore required to obtain them from your diet. As the main source of these nutrients is fish, a large percentage of people just do not get enough.
Now let's answer a frequently asked question; should you get your omega-3 from supplements of from food sources?
The best source of omega-3 is certainly food. However to get DHA and EPA you will have to consume a lot of cold-water, fatty fish and other seafood. Marine algae mainly have DHA. Plant sources have ALA, which must be converted into DHA, a process that loses much of the "good stuff".
But there is a problem. Eating fish regularly may prove hard to do for most people. Fresh, wild fish is not cheap, and may not be always available. Farmed fish is not something you want to eat on a regular basis either. There is also a risk that fish may contain harmful pollutants that they have picked up from the sea.
Fish oil supplements can provide a safer way to obtain omega-3 without the risk of toxins, assuming you get quality ones. This is the simplest way of getting the fatty acids for most people.
There is no official recommended daily allowance for omega-3. The FDA along with many health organisations recommend that an average healthy person should take no more than 3000mg (3 grams) per day. This may be because fish oil has blood-thinning properties.
For most healthy people, one pill a day containing 1000mg of fish oil will do. Consulting a doctor about the best dosage for you is a good idea, as body weight, gender, individual health, medications and other factors often come into play.
It is important that the product you choose has high amounts of both DHA and EPA.
If you are new to taking omega-3 supplements, then it may be best to start off on smaller amounts and build them up. This will ensure that there are no adverse reactions, such as stomach upset or nausea.
Hopefully this has answered your question as to how much omega-3 per day you should take.
Before we take a look at what the optimal dosage is for fish oil and omega-3, let me tell you a bit more about why this oil is so important for your health.
Essential Fatty Acids: DHA, EPA or ALA?
Omega-3 is a long chain essential fatty acid which consists of fatty compounds known as DHA and EPA. Both of these are essential for good health. DHA is considered the more important of the two.
How much omega-3 per day that you should take is an important question as you need to ensure that you are getting enough while not taking too much of a good thing. Good quality supplements don't come cheap either, so it may be a good thing not to take in more than is necessary to benefit your health.
They are called essential fatty acids because the human body is unable to produce these on its own; you are therefore required to obtain them from your diet. As the main source of these nutrients is fish, a large percentage of people just do not get enough.
Now let's answer a frequently asked question; should you get your omega-3 from supplements of from food sources?
The best source of omega-3 is certainly food. However to get DHA and EPA you will have to consume a lot of cold-water, fatty fish and other seafood. Marine algae mainly have DHA. Plant sources have ALA, which must be converted into DHA, a process that loses much of the "good stuff".
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found primarily in fish oil, this is the ultimate form of fatty acid in humans. Most people get far too little of this all-important fatty acid, especially since the conversion of ALA to DHA is slow and minimally yielding. Dr. OZ
But there is a problem. Eating fish regularly may prove hard to do for most people. Fresh, wild fish is not cheap, and may not be always available. Farmed fish is not something you want to eat on a regular basis either. There is also a risk that fish may contain harmful pollutants that they have picked up from the sea.
Fish oil supplements can provide a safer way to obtain omega-3 without the risk of toxins, assuming you get quality ones. This is the simplest way of getting the fatty acids for most people.
So, How Much omega-3 Per Day?
There is no official recommended daily allowance for omega-3. The FDA along with many health organisations recommend that an average healthy person should take no more than 3000mg (3 grams) per day. This may be because fish oil has blood-thinning properties.
Do not take more than 3 grams daily of omega-3 fatty acids from capsules without the supervision of a health care provider, due to an increased risk of bleeding. University of Maryland
For most healthy people, one pill a day containing 1000mg of fish oil will do. Consulting a doctor about the best dosage for you is a good idea, as body weight, gender, individual health, medications and other factors often come into play.
It is important that the product you choose has high amounts of both DHA and EPA.
The amount of omega-3 fatty acids needed per day to reduce your risk of heard disease can be obtained by eating fish twice a week (above, note serving size) or by taking daily supplements containing 800-1000 mg (0.8-1 gram) of omega-3 fatty acids. If used to reduce triglycerides, higher doses are required and the amount should be determined by your physician and/or nutritionist. University of Massachusetts Medical School
If you are new to taking omega-3 supplements, then it may be best to start off on smaller amounts and build them up. This will ensure that there are no adverse reactions, such as stomach upset or nausea.
Hopefully this has answered your question as to how much omega-3 per day you should take.
A Brief Look At The Benefits Of Whey Protein
If you are just starting out in bodybuilding, then you probably already noticed the huge array of supplements available to help you build “big-bulk” muscle. One of the most popular supplements out there on the market is whey protein. Here we are going to talk about what whey protein actually is and also the benefits you can expect from taking this as a supplement.
So what is Whey protein?
Whey protein has the highest amount of something known as “branched-chain amino acids” when compared to other natural foods available. It is actually a by-product that is formed during the production of cheese.
After we have had a vigorous workout, health experts recommend that you should replenish your system with calories. If we fail to do this, a hormone known as cortisol builds up in our system; this is actually a stress hormone which causes the muscle growth to shut down. Rather than tucking into a high calorie pizza for example, whey protein provides you with all the calories you need but your body digests whey protein much quicker than solid foods.
A Good Start To The Day?
You can take whey protein after workouts or first thing in the morning alongside your breakfast. This gives bodybuilders the extra boost they need during day.
Not only is this supplement good for bodybuilders but it also aids with weight loss. The one thing that will determine whether you lose weight or put on muscle is actually how you consume this product.
It also helps boost your immune system as it is high in the antioxidant “glutathione”. Antioxidants help fight free radicals which scientists and researchers today believe is one of the primary causes for premature aging.
Clinical studies
Numerous studies have been carried out on whey protein and how it affects the human body and its muscle mass. One particular study showed that bodybuilders, who were given one and a half grams of whey protein for 10 weeks, gained an extra 5 kg of muscle and shed one and a half kilograms of fat during this period. I’m sure you will agree that 5 kg of muscle in just 10 weekstime is very impressive indeed.
Are there any dangers?
Rather than talking about the benefits only, I think it is only fair to provide you with any possible dangers that this protein may have towards your health….
If you have an existing liver or kidney condition then consuming large amounts of whey protein may cause more damage to your health and your existing condition. Because both the liver and kidney process and metabolize proteins, consuming large amounts of this protein as a supplements can put stress on these organs.
Can’t stomach milk?
As mentioned earlier, this protein is a by-product of cheese. If you are lactose intolerant, then it is not recommended that you take this supplement. Also, if you are unsure about any allergies you may have towards dairy products then of course, consult with your doctor beforehand.
A final note
Although it is very low in fat and can help you build muscle mass, you should always take this supplement alongside a healthy dietfor optimal results.
What Is The Best Protein Powder For Building Muscle?
Top Rated Protein Supplements
Many people interested in building muscles want to find the best protein powder help meet their goal. Protein powders make excellent (and healthy) shakes that can supplement the diet or even replace a meal.
These products are made from a variety of substances, the most common being whey, soy and casein. Most experts seem to agree that whey and casein, both derived from cow’s milk, are the optimal choices for the best protein powder.
Best Whey Protein Powders: Recommended Supplements
There is a great variety of protein supplements on the market. The list below does not pretend to rank any of its members as the best protein powder. However, each of these three is a popular product that contains powerful and effective ingredients for people interested in building and supporting muscle mass.
BioTrust Low Carb All-Natural Protein Bend
BioTrust Low Carb is a product that addresses a number of weaknesses that most other protein supplements out there. These problems include include:
- Synthetic ingredients:Many protein supplements contain artificial sweeteners and colors that not only do not add nutritional value, they may be harmful. BioTrust Low Carb contains no artificial colors or sweeteners.
- Hormones and antibiotics: Many proteins are made from milk sourced from cows that are treated with growth hormones and antibiotics. BioTrust Low Carb is made with certified organic ingredients, free from growth hormones and antibiotics.
- Denatured proteins:Many of the protein supplements out there have been processed using high-heat methods, which cause the proteins to be denatured. This means they do you little to no good. BioTrust Low Carb is processed at low temperatures, thus preserving the bioavailability of the proteins.
Many health and fitness experts today agree that a blend of fast-acting and slow acting proteins works best, as opposed to just one type such as whey. BioTrust Low Carb is a blend of top-quality fast and slow acting proteins, so you get the best of both worlds.
Add to this a patented blend of digestive enzymes to enhance absorption, as well as an awesome taste, and you get a product that stands on its own.
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard
The makers of this product promote it as the gold standard of all protein powders. The whey protein formula is 90% pure protein. Each serving contains a full 24 grams of muscle-building protein. This product contains high concentration of protein and very little fat (only 2 grams total).
Additionally, this powder is prepared in such a way that you can easily mix it with a spoon. Digestive enzymes ensure optimal absorption, even for the lactose intolerant (consulting a physician before taking is still recommended). Optimum makes this powder in various flavors and sells it in containers ranging from one pound to 10 pounds in size.
BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder
Instead of focusing on whey as the primary source of protein, the makers of this product combined whey and casein in a single synergistic formula. This ensures both quick and extended release. The quick release gives you an almost immediate protein and energy boost, while the extended release sustains you over time.
According to BSN, each serving is just one rounded scoop of powder. In that 44g scoop you get 22g of protein only 6g of fat. This product comes in 6 different flavors.
Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Protein
Optimum has another product, similar to its Gold Standard Whey, but derived from casein instead of whey. This slow-digesting protein is a critical element of the recovery and repair process that aids in building muscles and in decreasing turnaround times. This is in contrast to the fast-use protein that functions best when taken before or after exercise. Casein protein will stay in the body and assist in muscle recovery even while you sleep. The acid sensitivity of this protein causes it to thicken in the stomach and delay the digestion process.
Some people prefer to use one kind of protein in exclusion of the others. However, an increasing number of people are trying the blends of both whey and casein protein in their shakes. The best protein powder will not just help a person build muscle. It will help them do so healthily and comfortably. After all, nobody likes a bloated stomach.
Post Workout Supplements: Things You Should Know
The Truth About Post Workout Supplements
The effectiveness of your training will greatly depend on your diet. Your choice of supplement is crucial to your success. Taking post workout supplements is considered one of the critical steps toward muscle and strength building.
One of the considerations you should make concerning post workout supplements is affordability and safety. Affordability does not always equate to cheapness. As a customer you should regard affordability in terms of the helpful components and composition of a particular product.
A cheap item does not matter if it will not give you the kind of result you seek. Neither should you simply go for the most expensive product. You might end up paying for fancy packaging and not substance.
The level of safety on the other hand is something that a particular product will not include on its packaging or even on the brand's website. Therefore you should devote ample time to research on the product's safety quotient by reading supplements reviews online.
Why use both pre and post workout supplements?
To achieve the best result in terms of strength training, pre and post workout supplements consumption, it should be taken in adherence to a carefully laid out training plan.
Usually pre-workout supplements are used for added strength and endurance. These are made to give you more power, focus and endurance to get through intense workout sessions.
One should also take a post workout supplement or meal. The advantage of a post workout supplement over a meal is that a supplement is easy and quick make as well as consume. Most come in powder form and all you have to do is mix in water or other beverage. But why do you need a post workout supplement in the first place?
Well, your body has a heightened need and ability to utilize amino acids and other nutrients to recover from exercise. It also helps prevent catabolism (breakdown) after your workout. And no, this is not just within the first 45 minutes to an hour after your workout as is popularly believed. It can be up to four hours.
Pre and post work out supplement is the best way to maximize the effects of supplement usage. This method will help the body to get its needed fuel during both before and after exercise routines.
Post Workout Supplements Ingredients to Look For
All Natural Ingredients - One should choose post workout supplements that are free from synthetic ingredients. Synthetically manufactured ingredients could potentially cause various harms and illnesses to your body.
Steroids and prohormones free - The best post workout supplements should be effective enough even without the inclusion of steroid or prohormones, which can produce unwelcome physical side effects to its users.
Essential amino acids - These amino acids will facilitate optimum bodily functions and will help your system cope with the rigors and stresses caused by strength training and other intense exercise routines. Choosing post workout supplements rich in amino acids protects your body against catabolism (muscle breakdown).
Glutamine – This is one of the most underrated nutrients in bodybuilding and sports in general. But it is extremely important. Though your body does produce glutamine (an amino acid) naturally, it can be used up pretty fast during an intense workout. Glutamine supplementation can help avoid catabolism, speed up recovery, promote growth hormone production, and reduce muscle soreness.
The bottom line is that post workout supplements should be affordable, safe, and effective. Of course, going cheap is frequently a bad idea as quality products don't come cheap. Always go for popular and reputable brands as they will typically have better quality control.
Types of Whey Protein: Which One Is Best?

Virtually everyone who has been around the sports nutrition circles has heard of whey protein. The wonders it can do to a body are also well known and documented. Yet products are not created equal. In this post we shall look at the types of whey protein.
Little Miss Muffet had it right as she sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey. Whey's high reputation for its healthful benefits has a history almost as long as dairy products have been food.
The properties of whey make it a valuable, highly digestible protein source. Its health benefits make it a favored protein food for modern body builders and dieters alike. Modern processing methods make all three types of whey protein widely accessible to health-conscious consumers.
Whey Protein Concentrate
Whey protein concentrate (WPC) contains highly variable levels of protein, from 25% to nearly 90%. Consumer products that list whey protein concentrate on their labels generally contain about 80% protein with fat, minerals, moisture and lactose making up the remainder. This type also contains slightly higher amounts of lactose; therefore the lactose-intolerant may want to stay away from it. WPC is relatively cheap.
Whey Protein isolate
Whey protein isolate (WPI) has protein levels tightly ranging between 90% and 95% for a high protein, low-lactose product. Many bodybuilding formulas and other nutritional products commonly contain whey protein isolate prominently in their formulas. This is the purest protein source available from whey, with its low-lactose and fat levels making it a useful supplement for dieters and bodybuilders. Processing this type of whey requires greater care, therefore it naturally costs more to buy.
Whey Protein Hydrolysate
Whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) is hydrolyzed whey protein. The process for producing hydrolyzed whey protein involves breaking down the long protein chains in whey into shorter chains. These shorter chains, called peptides, are more readily accepted and utilized by the body than the original protein structure. This is thought to reduce the possibility for allergic reactions, while retaining the full nutritional value of the product. With 80% to 90% protein, low-lactose and fat levels, hydrolyzed whey protein is useful in sports medicine products, baby formulas and products designed for sensitive individuals.
Whey Protein Benefits
Scientists know that protein in the human diet is necessary to keep body fat under control and insulin levels stable. As reported in the June, 2004 issue Journal of Nutrition, whey protein proved more effective than red meat in reducing body weight and increase insulin sensitivity, at least in rats. Like benefits to people are safely assumed.
Its long history establishes all types of whey protein as generally valuable and safe in the human diet. As for finding the best product, reading whey protein reviews could help. With modern marketing and production techniques, it's readily available to purchase and consume in various forms. It's a terrific “whey” to add protein to your health regimen.
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