DHA Fish Oil: Why It Is So Important For Your Health

Virtually everybody has heard about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. What few seem to realize is that fish oils are not created equal. In this article we shall discuss the merits of the type known as DHA fish oil.

What Is DHA Fish Oil?

DHA is an acronym is docosahexaenoic acid. This is an omega-3 fatty acid. This fatty acid is found in the structural components of the brain and other tissues. While the body can synthesize it, it is in very small quantities. Much of the needed DHA must be obtained from the diet, yet most people often do not get enough.

How to Get DHA Fish Oil

Regular consumption of cold water fish – such as salmon, tuna, halibut and hoki – is the best way of getting DHA fish oil. But it is the not the most practical, not to mention that it comes with some hazards. How?

Well, unless you are fortunate to live somewhere that fresh wild-caught fish is available year-round, you won't be able to get DHA-rich fish regularly. Forget farmed fish; it is often loaded pesticides and antibiotics and doesn't even offer much benefit due to the diet it's fed.

Even when you can get wild-caught fish on a regular basis, there is the risk of ingesting mercury, lead, and PCBs that fish are now known to carry in their fat.

So what is the next best thing? It is to take a good quality DHA fish oil supplement.

You see, a good quality fish oil supplement have been put through a purification process that removes heavy metals or other toxins, while keeping the nutrients intact.

The Benefits of Fish Oil

Studies have shown that this appears to have positive impacts on a range of diseases and health disorders. The following list is just a handful of the conditions upon which DHA fish oil can have a beneficial effect.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

DHA fish oil, when consumed as a supplement, has shown the ability to improve general behavior in children who have ADHD. This disorder has a profound effect on family anxiety and the educational and career future of young people around the world.


Though research indicates that DHA actually cannot slow down the progress of Alzheimer’s, it may help if consumption or supplementation is started before the onset of this condition.


This fish oil has also had significant impact on various forms of dementia in people. This makes sense, since the substance acts as a building block on the brain and may work against the progress of forces that cause deterioration.

A study published in the November edition of Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association suggests that taking docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may improve memory and learning in older adults with mild cognitive impairments. This is promising news for many aging Americans who are searching for options to maintain memory and support overall cognitive health. ScienceDaily


Pregnant woman can benefit from additional DHA in the diet. Not only is the oil good for the mother, but it is also essential for the healthy development of the fetus. The benefits carry through birth and beyond.

Researchers found that infants born to mothers with higher blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at delivery had advanced levels of attention spans well into their second year of life. During the first six months of life, these infants were two months ahead of those babies whose mothers had lower DHA levels. WebMD


This supplement is also recommended for women who are lactating. They can pass on the benefits of the oil to their children through breast milk. Concentrations of omega-3 acids are significantly higher in the breast milk of women who receive more DHA in their diet.

As stated earlier, you have the option of getting DHA fish oil by eating fish regularly, or through supplementation. For most people, the most practical way is taking a quality fish oil pill daily.